Google has added a new filter to its image search that lets users quickly look for animated GIFs.
GIF image files are a series of looping images that together look like a short video clip, commonly used in traditional banner ads and chat forums.
Starting today, when a user conducts an image search, they can click on “Search tools” below the search box, then select “Animated” under the “Any type” dropdown box.
Google announced the new filter on its Google+ account Tuesday morning, enlightening users about the origins of the image file format.
“Gifs have been around since 1987 and have become the de facto standard for short animations on the Web, from pony glitter text to grumpy cat memes,” the company said in its post.
Although GIFs are more than 25 years old, the image format has enjoyed a recent renaissance thanks to websites that make it easier to share and create that type of file.
The social network Tumblr and social news site Reddit, have become particular havens for GIFs.
As an example, Google linked to this GIF of a slow loris eating a rice ball.
Read the full announcement here
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tr?s bon article MONSIEUR damien mercereau votre article m’a touch?e en plein coeur!!!!enfin, j’ai envie de dire; kelkun de sens? ki a pris le temps de faire une analyse a froid ! tout le monde a droit a une seconde chance vous au moins vous ne faites pas votre langue de vip…parce que vous etes journaliste; parce kil yen a ki se sente investi d’une mission divine prce kil le sont !! je n’oublie pas ce que j’ai vu pendant 15 semaines, nadege ne triche pas et moi je sais ke dieu nous a cr?es limit?s! chacun a ses casseroles! on peut dire tout ce kon veut; nadege; elle est rare peu importe ce kil ya eu je l’aime comme si elle etait mon enfant tout simplement!!!!