1. this is the first time i heard such strategy i own a site which had been 2 years old now and coniutng but i havent got that much traffic at all so I went online to search for help. SEO is my answer..I would like to talk to you more because i know i badly need help from an expert.

  2. Whitehat is a term that is used for techniques that are foliowlng Google’s guidelines and do not lead to a penalty. This changes from one algorithm update to the next. Anything excessive or unnatural in regards to search engine optimization is seen as blackhat.

  3. Hi Stan,Go through the front page and a popular second page on your site. See how long it takes you. This will give you a good time standard to work from. That is why I think, generally, anything over a minute on average can be good. I like to look at unique visitors. I would assume you are attracting photographers to your site. But, the key is people are finding you. The main point to focus on is if your site working well an offering the traffic stats and pattern you designed it for – no mater who is on it. Because, it only takes one person to make your site worth every dime and minute you spent on it. You want to be ready with your best offering. Rosh continental car insurance

  4. Superb breakdown on how Google Analytics works. Question, is time on site that important considering the hi speed of most internet connections? Most of the time, I can be in and out of a designer or photographers site in under a minute and still come away with the info I need. Also, I’m always suspect of the number of visits I get and pages viewed as a mirage. Since there isn’t a way to track who visits my site, the first thing I always think of is my visits are from other photogs. Maybe it’s just me. Keep up the great work, Rosh. Love the Podcast!Best….Stan mileage credit card airline reducing credit card interest rate

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  6. I’ve been assigned a website design and of course I have a big problem with the charging!The website will firstly be a showcase of categorized products (sanitary), but I also want it to have the possibility to evolve to an e-shop later on, thus I chosed WP. I will not write any scripts! It will be customized according to client’s needs from the huge support community of WP (plug-ins, add-ons etc)My main problem is that I live in a Mediterranean small Island and from the small market search I’ve made, making a new website (approximately with the same parameters) from scratch here costs about €1500. That’s a price given by design firms. I also know that for the same project a european design firm charged the same, but they were able to reduce their price (unlike the local one) until they got the job with terms of making the design from scratch and site will be WP-based.This will be my first fully functional website, and I don’t want to scare off my client (which happens to be a co-worker on my “day-job”). I haven’t had enough experience to be fully confident about the pricing, and will not show good on my meetings with the client! online colleges

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