Online advertising is soaring worldwide, but some formats work better than others to get the message across to consumers. This US-based infographic from InsightsOne looks at those ads that cause the most irritation- and the negative impact on the brands behind them.
The infographic highlights a survey from Harris Interactive, which found that although a greater number of Americans (60%) are annoyed by television commercials than internet ads, the newer medium is on the rise, with 55% finding annoying ads in their inboxes and 37% who say they are happening on social media.
The most offensive kinds are:
• Pop-up ads – 70%
• Lottery scams – 70%
• Male enhancement ads – 66%
• Emails from deceased African leaders who have left them money – 64%
• Ads for products and services they do not need – 58%
• Female enhancement ads – 54%
Image by Djomas. Infographic by InsightsOne.
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I’m actually impressed with the contents on this blog. Knowledge and thoughts are actually useful. Keep up the excellent work on sharing articles.
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Jon Clarke
Oh the irony, that the first 2 comments here are blog spam.
Secondly, there’s nothing much new in all this, it’s all rather common sense. I’d add that in the US there is a greater amount of pop-up advertising than in the UK. A pop-under actually when relevant is far more accepted, but it gets lumped in the ‘pop’ format in surveys like this.
Interesting too that advertiser’s who highly target what would be their No 1 buyers might just be preaching to the converted and actually wasting nmoney on those who were going to buy anyway. Actually they need to place less relevant (in the mind of the individual) ads in front of a newer less targeted audience to educate and entice and grow SOV and sales.
So above these aren’t really the most annoying ads, more their content than the delivery mechanism is annoying.
Personally I don’t like the repetition of bad advertisin, but I always want to view new advertising and have a greater knowledge of what’s out there.