Does being a man or women affect your career? Recruitment experts, Talentful, have recently carried out research that compares some of the world’s most powerful male and female CEOs of Fortune 1000 companies to find out how gender can affect money, success, and their career path.
Some of the results included:
• In a list of 1000 CEOs, only 54 were women. Regardless of this striking result, this is actually a sign of slow improvement within the business sector.
• Overall, male CEOs receive more company compensation, by nearly $4,439,000. The Disney CEO Robert “Bob” Iger receives the most overall, at $43,490,567. However, the second, third and fourth best-paid overall positions are all women.
• Many men and women have pursued some form of Engineering (mainly Electrical Engineering degrees), but there was a bigger representation of MBAs (Master of Business Administration): 21 male CEOs had one, and 25 of the female CEOs.