A new white paper from Amaze explores the concept of the unifying, enterprise grade digital hub – the ‘app store’-like tool that provides the decision-making and intelligence needed to align all digital assets.
Forrester predicts that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will “drive the insights revolution in 2017”. Gartner claims that AI and machine learning have reached a “critical tipping point”, and that by 2020, 30% of web browsing will happen without a screen.
As once fledgling technologies, such as AI, Virtual Reality (VR) and Internet of Things (IoT) take their place in the mainstream, we have reached a point where, if they are to exploit new revenue streams and gain a competitive advantage, businesses need to consolidate their digital strategies.
Yet many are not in a position to harness the true power digital advancements can afford – primarily because their current digital estates cannot deliver. Organisations are still not using data in real-time, or sharing data across departments.
The white paper explores the benefits of adopting a hub approach, examines the innovators already adopting a hub strategy, and asks where businesses should begin in building their own digital hub.