Social entertainment company Sulake, has chosen Janrain, provider of user management solutions for the social web, to help improve the user registration experience on its social networking site Habbo Hotel.
Habbo Hotel, owned by Sulake, is a global networking site for teenagers to meet and interact. The site has over 300 million registered users and Habbo Hotel wanted to ensure the registration process for its users was as simple as possible.
Valtteri Karu, Director, Technical Operations, Sulake, commented, “We wanted to take away the frustrations of registration forms for our users and provide them with a simple, quick and easy option when registering. When we first started in 1999 people didn’t even use Facebook, but as the social era has fast descended upon us it has become more and more important for us to offer social login to our users.”
Social Login gives users the ability to use an existing ID from a social network such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. to register on the website. Before working with Janrain, Habbo Hotel was only offering Facebook as a social login option to its users but recent Janrain research shows that under half of consumers using social login choose Facebook; hence the importance of covering all options for consumers.
Janrain is able to provide Habbo Hotel with more than 30 different social login options for its users leading to more choice and an improved online experience, something that was key for Habbo Hotel.
Janrain was the first company to come to market with an efficient and effective social login platform, giving Sulake the reliability and extensive knowledge that they needed to form an effective partnership. With over 85% of UK consumers wanting to be offered a social login option it was important to Sulake to go with a reliable market leader.
Valtteri Karu, Director, Technical Operations Sulake comments “Janrain was a perfect choice for us as they are a global company that can offer our users the choice of many different login options. We have seen excellent uptime since working with them and I am extremely pleased with the service we have been given throughout our relationship.”