Nearly one in 10 men use the web for porn more than anything else, with 41% of those peeking at X-rated content while their partner is in the next room, according to new research.
The survey, from discount shopping site www.MyVoucherCodes, looked into men’s web habits. It found that a majority (34%) mostly use it for general news, 17 per cent for sports news and 14 per cent mainly to shop.
But eight per cent admitted to mostly using the internet to view porn sites, 41 per cent of them doing so while their partner is next door, and one in five of them admitting ‘secretly’ going online to look at their favourite sites when their partner is asleep.
One in five men who look at porn websites do so while their partners are in bed
A further 16 per cent owned up to visiting porn sites while at work.
The survey covered 1,183 men in relationships across the UK to discover their internet habits and what they mostly use the internet for.
When asked ‘How often do you look at your favourite websites in a week?’, three per cent of those who admitted looking mostly at pornography visited their favourite site daily, while 39 per cent only visited the sites once a week.
The majority of those asked, 83 per cent, claimed to use the internet daily, and a further 74 per cent frequently accessed it on their mobile phones.
Mark Pearson, chairman of, said: “The internet has become a part of people’s everyday lives, so much so that it is difficult to imagine going a day without it.
‘Men using the internet for sports news, shopping and pornography doesn’t shock me at all. However I was shocked to see that men use the internet secretly; this indicates that their partners wouldn’t be happy with the sites they are visiting.’
More than 30 million adults in the UK, equating to around 60 per cent of the population, now access the internet every single day, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.