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TV ad trends: Wednesday ‘highest performing day’ for viewer response

TV viewing audiences ‘still prefer traditional channels’

Tying TV to business outcomes is a high priority across Europe, with advertisers tracking an average of 5 KPIs, according to a new pan-European study.

TV measuring firm TVSquared has published European-wide TV ad insights. The data highlights some surprising performance results about the best days, timeparts and creative lengths marketers should consider when buying inventory.

Many European brands, and an increasing number of U.S. companies, air multi-country campaigns across Europe.

To identify TV performance trends for the continent, TVSquared analyzed response, cost and audience data from advertisers across verticals, including automotive, direct-to-consumer (DTC), travel and non-profit.

The report ranks performance based on response and cost per response (CPR) rates. Collected across 12 European countries, including UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, the key findings include:

“TVSquared’s global footprint enables us to provide a holistic view for advertisers, which is important for the many brands running multi-country campaigns,” said Mark Hudson, Head of Business Intelligence, TVSquared. “What’s interesting is the creative breakdown where you see that traditional forms, such as 30s, still have strong performance, but short-form ads are also proving to be response drivers. Serving up analytics is part of the process, but it’s only useful if you are making changes on the backend.”

TVSquared’s “European-Wide TV Ad Performance Insights” infographic is available for download.

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